Hey, look! I'm ahead of the game for a bit. It's not yet Thanksgiving, but I'm getting an Advent post up! Of course, this is mostly because I needed to prepare for it in our schooling time, and Advent starts just three days after Thanksgiving. Yikes! In the past, I've done a lot to prepare for Advent. In both 2010 and 2011 , I made a daily activity project and Bible reading. As fun as these were, I'm learning more about how our days go, and I know that we'll be setting ourselves up for failure if I try to do too much. So this year, I'm planning on just coming up with some things that I'd like to see happen this December and let them fall where they may. Advent Readings and Books For our daily advent readings, we will be reading through Jotham's Journey: A Storybook for Advent . In the past I've found a lot of other devotionals , and our church usually comes out with one as well. We also have a few other longer picture books abo...