Some things take a long time to happen around here. We are still working on getting our paperwork and money in the right order for getting our work permits and even buying a car. But then other times you casually mention that you might like to see a house to live in temporarily and suddenly you find yourself handed keys to the house (sight unseen!). This has led us to living in our temporary house in the village. For the next two next months, we are living just a short walk from where we were before. It's a one-bedroom, Thai-style house. Here's the short tour: Taken from right outside our front door, you can see the shop and noodle restaurant where we get most of our food right now. As you can see, we are still working on getting set up. We don't have a refrigerator or table yet, and we spend a lot of time sitting on the ground. There are a couple of little shops within walking distance that sell eggs and rice and some vegetables....