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Thanksgiving Week in Review

SNOW!  Yes, the "bit of snow" that we "might" get turned into us starting the week with two full days of snowing.  We ended up with 6 inches of snow on the ground, and we didn't even try to venture out in our car for a couple of nights.  I was so thankful that my husband now works from home as there were poor people in Seattle that spent over 5 hours getting home on a commute that takes less than 20 minutes sans traffic!  One person we know actually gave up and went back to his office to sleep!  Despite the horrible driving conditions, Noah was SO EXCITED to get snow.  From his first sight of snow he screamed out of pure delight for over an hour.  I've never seen him so excited about anything before.  Sorry Thomas the Tank Engine!  You've been replaced by frozen water droplets!

The first picture is what our yard looked like on Monday morning.  The second is it on Tuesday morning.

Once Zach decided the snow wasn't so bad after all, we had a good time overall playing in it.  We even made our own little "science experiment" by bringing the snow inside for the boys to play with until it melted.  They really enjoyed having snow in their bowls.  And mama liked that they could play with snow without actually having to go outside!  (Do you know how long it takes to get two toddlers and yourself ready for even just a few minutes in the snow?  Hats, coats, mittens, boots, etc. are hard to get on!)

Despite the snow (or maybe because of it), I tried to still get some of our preschool activities done.  Here's what the week actually ended up looking like for us...

Monday, Noah enjoyed coloring his Thanksgiving page.  I'm still having trouble with my fifteen month old eating any sort of coloring medium so this time we tried colored pencils.  After a few minutes at the table, we tried instead to do coloring at the easel.  Noah really liked this.

We also tried the sticker math, but the stickers I pulled out were really hard to get the backs off.  We didn't finish.  I kept the sheet around to try to finish later in the week, but recently gave up the activity as lost.  I still like the idea of it, so when I get some better stickers we'll try again.  On his own though, he continues to color match with his duplos.  Here's a picture of his accomplishment this week:

MOPs was cancelled on Tuesday on account of the snow.  We had our neighbors over to play (schools were all cancelled as well), and we did a pilgrim coloring page.  This was the snowiest day.

Wednesday was our music day, and we did make our tambourines.  I only had animal plates so that's why our tambourines have ears.  =)

It was also unexpectedly a half day for my husband, so he had a lot of fun sledding with Noah and taking him to the local park to see the pond frozen over.

Thursday was Thanksgiving!  We headed south about an hour or so to visit with Phil's grandma, aunt, uncle, and cousin.  Of course, there was still snow on the ground, and daddy went out again with the boys.

It is so beautiful down there.  We had a great time feasting, being thankful for one another, and watching movies.

We drove home on Friday, and instead of our normal preschool routine, we decorated for Christmas!  The boys really enjoyed putting all the ornaments on the tree.

Daddy got a new toy on Friday, so on Saturday, he decided to show Noah how to use the "shift" key on his keyboard so he could make either upper or lower case letters on the big monitor.  Noah loved this!

Noah and Mommy also got to go on a little mini-date to the zoo while Daddy watched Zach.  We had a lot of fun seeing the gorillas, chasing the jaguar who was pacing his cage, and going to the creature talk at Zoomazium where he petted a snake.  We had a lot of fun!


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