I haven't wanted to read anything this month. I've been exhausted with a husband out-of-town for 10 days, a four-year old that has begun lashing out in anger whenever he doesn't get his way, my cold that hasn't gone away for over a week, and nursing a burn I gave myself while pouring myself boiling-hot coffee. My normal outlet for peace is usually to find a good spot to curl up and read a good book. For some reason, I haven't even wanted to do this. (Probably because I feel like I should be reading some of my good parenting books, but I don't want to think about parenting when I'm taking a "break" from parenting when the kids are in bed). First-World Problems.... The "argh! I can't do what I like because I have two living wonderful children who need me to help them. And pity me - I have a mess in my house right now - you know, that structure with four sturdy walls and a roof that keeps us safe from the weather and other dangers. An...