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Our Village Neighborhood

Z with one of our neighbor's roosters
There are some really nice things about living in the village.  People are extremely friendly here, and it really is so beautiful.  There are animals galore from roosters who give us our morning wake-up call to water buffalo, goats, and street dogs.  Geckos line our walls and ceilings, and we keep out of the way of snakes.  It is truly a wonderful place to live in this season.  Although we look forward to many of the conveniences that will come from having a long-term house in the city, the beauty of this area will continue to be cherished.

Here is a little view into our neighborhood.

The front of our house.

A view up the street

Our neighborhood shop where we can get some groceries or noodles for lunch or dinner.

Some of the food that we've bought from this shop: eggs, garlic, morning glory, and cooking oil.
All for less than $2.

Turning right past the shop, you can see the loud speakers on the tower.
Every morning and evening we get to hear the Thai national anthem.  They also broadcast announcements.

On the other side of the street is a monastery with it's newly dedicated Buddha.  He's facing away from the city to look out on the beautiful farmlands.  He was dedicated with loud chanting, fireworks, and drums the first night we arrived in Maesot (living a little further away that we do now).  Our backyard shares a fence with part of this monastery.

Here is a view of him from the front but at sunset.

The end of the street has this gateway into our neighborhood.  This is typical all over Thailand.

Another shop down the road

The road leading into town.  This road drops you off into the main highway.

While we were without transportation, this is basically where we spent all of our time.  We enjoyed having some morning walks too before it got too hot.  The following pictures were taken during one of these walks.  Seriously - Thailand is beautiful!

Canal bridge
A canal coming off of the reservoir.

The Resevior

Walking beside the aqueduct.
A little pond

Lots of open land

One more month of living in the village!


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