Our time in Seattle is nearing an end. As I think about what drives the motivation behind our move, I've also been struck by the many reasons why we could stay. These last few weeks have been/will be more emotional for me than I usually am, but I'm trying to allow myself to feel that since I believe that this is a good place to be mentally as I process the transition. We attend a wonderful church We attend the North campus of Bethany Community Church in Seattle. This church has really shaped and formed our hearts for God, and we have been blessed to be a part of its ministry. It will be hard to leave this community of faith. Our church also has a lot of wonderful ministries that it supports including Tabitha Ministries and YoungLives. If we stayed, this is something that we could be more a part of. We have some great friends There are some amazing moms that I get to hang out with on a regular basis. They are the unsung heroes of this gene...