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Fall Part 3 - 11/8/2010

This week looks a bit like last week as there are a lot of the same activities mentioned.  One thing worthy of mentioning is Veteran's Day is this week!  We will be learning about our military and patriotism as well as our basic fall theme.


  • Listen to The Four Seasons or Ring of Mystery by Vivaldi
    • Talk more about what we are hearing
  • Read about Norman Rockwell and look through our big coffee table book of his pictures
  • Devotions and Bible Verse Review




Thursday - Veteran's Day!
I'm excited to be celebrating Veteran's Day with Noah this year.  He has an uncle who is serving in the army, and unfortunately he doesn't have any notion of the military yet.  I think this will be a good introduction.  How are you going to honor your veterans today?
  • Seasonal - Read Veteran's Day Books
  • Rotating - No Preschool Today.  Watch the National Anthem on YouTube.
  • Extra Activity - Veteran's Day Coloring  Pages
  • Baby Box - Coloring pages

  • Seasonal - Make a bird feeder out of a pinecone, peanut butter, and birdseed
    • Take Two!  We didn't make it last week.  We'll try again!
  • Rotating (Math) - Pumpkin Numbers Game (scroll down on this website to find)
    • Yes, we are going to try again with this too.
  • Extra Activity - Go to a concert that evening with Daddy
  • Baby Box - Fall seasonal objects such as pine cones, gourds, pumpkins, etc.

  • Science - Something from the book, From Mudpies to Magnets.  To Be Announced (as we don't have the book quite yet, and Daddy needs to pick something out!)


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