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Candle Holders Craft

About a month ago, we picked up this fun book from the library.

It had about a dozen nature crafts that could be done by preschoolers (with help, of course).  One of these was called "Glowing Flowers".  Sounded like fun to me, so on a day that Button was napping, Buddy and I got to work on these nifty candle holders.

First, we gathered our materials:
  • pressed flowers and leaves
  • glass votives (picked these up at the Dollar Tree)
  • tissue paper
  • paint brush
  • Mod Podge (or white glue mixed with water)

Then, we "painted" the outside of the votive with Mod Podge.

Followed by placing our pressed flowers around the glass.  (We found that our leaves weren't flexible enough to lay flat against the rounded glass).

Then we had to wait for the glue to dry before we could go on.

So we went on a mommy/son date for smoothies and boba!

When we got back home, there was more gluing.

Then, arranging the torn tissue paper around the glass until the entire votive is covered.

The result: two beautiful candle holders!  I'm sure that we will be giving these away as Christmas gifts in the near future.  =)

Buddy had a blast making these.  We actually had four votives that we were going to make, but we ran out of our stash of pressed flowers.  I guess we'll be making more in the future.


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