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Fingerpainting Fun

My baby is growing up!  Button turned two in August, and he's decided that he is too big for the crib.  In the same week he chose to sleep only in the bunk bed and learned to climb out of his crib.  It looks like it's "bye bye" crib.  Of course, this presents its own set of challenges as we can no longer keep him contained in his room at bedtime, but seeing how Buddy grew out of this, we have high hopes for Button.

Anyway, we now have two adorable little boys in a bunk bed.  I've always thought that it would be fun to have something at the head of their beds to designate whose bunk was whose, so when I saw this idea on Pinterest, I knew I wanted to try it.

I varied a bit from the original idea as I didn't use actual canvas (although in hindsight, I think it is the best choice).  I used cardstock paper instead.  It worked okay, but when I took the tape off it tore the paper a bit.

Then, I let the boys go at it with fingerpaints.  They had a blast.
(As a side note, I always put down some butcher paper on the table to save my kitchen table from paint stains.  I don't buy this paper, but just use what comes as filler in any packages I receive from Amazon.)

After they were done, I hung them up to dry.  (This is where we normally hang up our other pieces of artwork, so it fit in quite naturally.)

Buddy, is it time for a bath?

But, that doesn't mean we have to stop finger painting!

The final product.  Now I just have to hang them!

Now, what to do with that crib.  Maybe one of these ideas?  Got to love Pinterest.


  1. Choosing furniture for your kids room is a daunting task. You want to get it right, without spending a fortune and you want to buy something which will see them through without needing replacing too quickly. This is why so many parents have chosen to buy the full size bunk bed for kids.


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